Monday, January 30, 2017

Egg Helmet Challenge

The children were presented with the following challenge:
 Engineer a helmet to protect the egg from breaking when it falls, and work within the following constraints:
                  1. Mimic helmets that are used in sports and other activities by using materials delivered   to each classroom.
2. The helmet you and your group create must be removable BUT stay on the egg’s head when dropped.  Remember, when you wear a helmet, you can take it on an off and secure it from falling off your head.
3. Your group’s helmet must only wrap around the “head of the egg”, just like real helmets, they will protect the egghead, not the whole body 
            4. Your group’s helmet design must prevent the egg from cracking

Mr. Lager climbed the ladder in the gym half way. To the delight of the children, 5 eggs survived!  Mr. Lager then climbed to the top of the ladder and dropped the 5 survived. It was a great community building, STEM based day at Woodland School.

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